At least two beaches will be closed starting this weekend ahead of the beach restoration project, which will start back up next week, county officials said. The project aims to restore sand – which had been washed away by storms and hurricanes over the years – at the beaches.
Beach park access at Seagrape Trail Beach Access and Treasure Shores Park Beach will both close starting Friday, county officials said. Seagrape Trail Beach is located south of Wabasso Beach, off Highway A1A. Treasure Shores Park Beach is located north of Wabasso Beach.
Construction at Treasure Shores Park Beach – which will start Nov. 1 – was expected to last for 45 days. Crews will finish dumping 30,000 cubic yards of sand along the shoreline for the remaining portion for Sector 3 Phase 1 of the Beach and Dune Restoration Project.
Phase 1 began in January of this year, county officials said.
Seagrape Trail Beach Access construction will mark the start of Phase 2 of the project. Construction for that portion of the beach will also start Nov. 1; the beach will remain closed until the phase is completed.
Phase 2 of the Beach and Dune Restoration Project – which will impact 2.9 miles of the Atlantic coastline – will run through April 30, 2022, county officials said. County officials said 280,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand will be put on the dune and the berm, creating a wider beach.
Authorities will also plant more than 302,000 native plants along the dune. Project updates and beach park closures can be found on the county website at www.ircgov.com.