Afternoon update, April 25, 2021
Indian River County verified 15 new COVID-19 cases Sunday, according to the Florida Department of Health county report. This raises the total number of county cases to 12,324. The number of deaths is unchanged at 293.
The numbers in the reports are provisional and subject to change.
There have been 860 COVID-19 hospitalizations in Indian River County, health officials said. The number of hospitalizations and county cases are both cumulative.
Statewide, the number of COVID-19 cases increased by 4,671 to 2,208,584, health officials said. The number of virus-related deaths increased by 37 to a total of 35,534.
Afternoon update, April 24, 2021
Indian River County verified 24 new COVID-19 cases and 1 new death Saturday, according to the Florida Department of Health county report. This raises the total number of county cases to 12,309 and the number of deaths to 293.
The numbers in the reports are provisional and subject to change. Health officials said 120 out of the 293 Indian River County deaths were at long-term care facilities.
There have been 860 COVID-19 hospitalizations in Indian River County, health officials said. The number of hospitalizations and county cases are both cumulative.
Statewide, the number of COVID-19 cases increased by 7,411 to 2,203,913, health officials said. The number of virus-related deaths increased by 54 to a total of 35,497.