INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – The Florida Department of Transportation will hold a workshop next month to share details of a project that would add an interchange on Interstate 95 at Oslo Road, and a separate project to widen Oslo.
According to a memo released Sept. 14, the I-95 interchange would be built in fiscal year 2021. The purpose, according to FDOT project manager Ron Kareiva, are four key improvements:
- Provide additional capacity
- Improve incident response times on I-95
- Better regional connectivity and travel time
- Create an additional evacuation route
The other part of the project, which would be funded in fiscal year 2022, is to widen Oslo.
The road is primarily four lanes, but reverts to two lanes west of 58th Avenue. That project will also include realignment of a portion of 82nd Avenue to accommodate the interchange work.
A public information workshop is scheduled 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12. It will take place at the Mueller Campus of Indian River State College in Vero Beach. The college’s Richardson Center, Building C, is located at 6155 College Lane in Vero Beach.
Visit the project website at www.oslodesignproject.com