INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Indian River County deputies are investigating the theft of more than $66,000 from a bank ATM.
Deputies said they responded to the incident about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Wells Fargo bank in the 100 block of South U.S. 1, deputies said.
A woman employed at the bank told deputies an internal audit of the ATM located in front of the business was conducted Aug. 1. The audit found that $66,420 was missing.
The woman told deputies the bank’s in-house theft investigator was notified and began an investigation. Deputies spoke with the investigator, who told them the sole custodian of the ATM recently bought a Hummer, Porsche and a BMW convertible.
Deputies said the investigator told them he asked the custodian where he got the money to buy the vehicles, and the custodian said his mother from Miami recently sold a piece of property and gave him the money.
When the investigator asked the custodian for the address of the property sold, the sale price and the bank that handled the sale, the custodian said the transaction was made in cash and that he didn’t know the sale price or address.
The bank investigator said the custodian has been put on administrative leave while the investigation is underway, deputies said.