(StatePoint) Most moms today are armed with a germ-fighting arsenal of anti-bacterial wipes and gels, and are constantly cleaning finger-printed walls and sticky counters. So you think you’re covered this back-to-school season? Think again! The statistics on where germs and illness-causing mold and mildew are lurking are staggering.
Mold and Mildew — Oh My!
When we think of mold and mildew, images of damp basements or poorly ventilated bathrooms come to mind. However, this growth can occur on any interior surface, according to the National Institutes of Health — and it can cause ill health.
So where might mold be lurking? Some of the top places yeast and mold are found include: the kitchen dish sponge or rag (86 percent); computer keyboards (68 percent); toothbrush holders (64 percent); video game controllers (59 percent); pet toys (55 percent); remote controls (55 percent); coffee reservoir (50 percent) and pet bowls (45 percent), according to National Sanitation Foundation International research.
Shelf Liner Smart Solutions
With these cringe-worthy stats, there are some simple steps to help reduce mold and mildew. First, open windows and use dehumidifiers and fans to help reduce the moisture in your home. Next, clean surfaces with a natural fungicide — tea tree oil — which can help kill mold and mildew, as well as prevent future growth. Finally, using Easy Liner brand shelf liner by Duck brand is another simple way to keep your home clean and organized.
According to a September 2014 Houzz survey, 56 percent of consumers use shelf liner in their kitchens. But don’t stop there: this household helper can be an amazing solution in many areas. Be sure to choose a product like Easy Liner brand shelf liner by Duck brand with Clorox antimicrobial protection of the liner to help prevent the growth of odor-causing mold and mildew on the liner.
Here are just a few shelf liner solutions for your home:
• Kitchen: Keep counters dry and clean while doing dishes by placing shelf liner under the dish rack. Line wire pantry shelves with shelf liner to catch any spills and ensure they don’t spread to lower areas.
• Mud Room/Entry: Place a piece of shelf liner under pet food and water bowls to keep them in place and catch spills. A piece of shelf liner on the floor near the door makes an excellent landing place to protect floors from dirty shoes, purses, backpacks and more.
• Bathrooms: At home, line medicine cabinets, shelves and drawers with shelf liner as a great defense against spills.
• School Shopping List: Along with tissues and disinfecting wipes, provide teachers with shelf liner with antimicrobial protection to use on surfaces such as desks, drawers and shelves.
For information on Easy Liner brand shelf liners, visit duckbrand.com.
When it comes to back-to-school preparations, arm yourself with useful solutions and products to help you conquer your home cleaning.