INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County Emergency Management Department became one of only 11 county emergency services teams to earn full accreditation from the State of Florida, according to a proclamation presented by the County Commission June 7.
Earning accreditation is a “significant achievement,” which recognizes the capabilities of a community’s disaster preparedness and response systems.
A county is assessed through an exhaustive process that evaluates compliance with requirements in 64 standards, including planning, resource management, training, exercises, evaluations, corrective actions, communications and administration.
The county’s emergency management efforts began 100 years ago as a civil defense program, said Emergency Services Director John King.
King told the Commission the leadership, dedication, determination and relentless efforts of Emergency Management Coordinator Etta LoPresti and Emergency Management Planner Rachel Ivy were, in large part, responsible for the success of the Department in achieving the accreditation. LoPresti praised the entire team for their dedication and support.