United Way seeks nonprofits, volunteers for ‘Day of Caring’ Sept. 19

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — United Way’s traditional Day of Caring will take on new dimensions Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015, as more non-profits and more volunteers are given the opportunity to participate in this phenomenal annual event.

For non-profits that need some painting done, lawn care, office work, or limited building projects, United Way has volunteers who want to work.

For individual volunteers, a family group, neighborhood, club, or employee team interested in participating, there is a wide variety of projects that need help.

New this year, any nonprofit is welcome to apply, not just those with United Way funded programs. Any volunteer individual or groups may participate, not just employers who run United Way campaigns.

This year’s expansion is part of United Way’s Community Impact approach to advancing the common good. Recruiting individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies to create long-term social change can produce healthy, well-educated and financially–stable individuals and families.

In years past, volunteers have washed emergency vehicles, painted inside and out, mulched and gardened, installed accessible railings, cleaned up beaches, filled food packs for hungry children, cleaned early childhood classrooms, and more.

Non-profits interested in benefiting through Day of Caring should contact United Way for an application, (772) 567-8900, or www.unitedwayirc.org .

Volunteers should save the morning, Sept. 19, and watch for opportunities to participate on www.volunteerindianrivercounty.org.

United Way of Indian River County invites people to get involved by helping others. Go to www.volunteerindianrivercounty.org to learn about local opportunities for service. For more information about United Way or to give online, visit our website at www.unitedwayirc.org.

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