Operation Prom provides free dresses, tuxedos to area students

VERO BEACH — For many teens, the high school senior prom represents a special time to celebrate a milestone in their academic career. Every teen should have the opportunity to attend their prom in style. However, it’s about more than having the appropriate attire to wear to wear to the prom. It’s about confidence. It’s about celebrating with friends. It’s about celebrating accomplishments.

On Saturday, March 28, teens in the community will have the opportunity to choose prom attire, at no cost to them, from a selection of gorgeous dresses, fabulous tuxedos and suits with the help of a personal shopper at Operation Prom. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Vero Beach Community Center located in the heart of downtown. Pre-registration and financial qualification is not required to participate. Students are served on a first come, first served basis.

One of last year’s Operation Prom’s participants said, “Picking out my own clothes was great. I was able to have a great time at the prom and it was all because of the kindness of the people with Operation Prom.”

“We have more than 350 fabulous dresses and tuxedos for the teens to choose from this year” according to Operation Prom Chair, Neda Heeter. “Many of the items are new. All are in pristine condition. They are absolutely stunning and include designer gowns. They rival the ones you would find in a high-end boutique. Our goal is to have a lot of very happy and stylish teens and empty clothing racks at the end of the event.”

Operation Prom is pleased to partner with the Junior League of Indian River, Treasure Coast Newspapers, the Department of Recreation of the City of Vero Beach, White Glove Moving & Storage, PAKMAIL Beachside, Calvetti & Company, Glendale Storage and Idea Garden Advertising to present Operation Prom 2015.

Operation Prom is a grass roots organization comprised of community members that are aware of the high financial costs of participating in special and memorable events that many take for granted, such as proms, and desire that all teens have the opportunity to attend their proms.

“We have been truly blessed by incredible donations of prom attire from local businesses and the community. People even bought new dresses to donate,” Heeter said. “So much so, our storage unit is full and we are asking people to hold on to their donations for next year’s event. We will start collecting attire again after this event is completed.”

Visit OperationPromIRC on Facebook or email Operationpromirc@gmail.com with questions.

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