VERO BEACH — Indian River Community Foundation’s Future Leaders Professional Advisors Council recently awarded $5,000 to two local non-profit organizations for programs that support youth development initiatives.
Out of eight applications received, Gifford Youth Orchestra and Girls on the Run of the Treasure Coast were each awarded $2,500 to fund programs that support the healthy development of children and adolescents in Indian River County.
The Future Leaders Professional Advisors Council is a group of emerging leaders who have an interest in charitable giving, estate planning, and other philanthropic planning tools.
The group formed two years ago and decided to establish its own charitable fund to become more familiar with the services available through the Indian River Community Foundation.
The professional staff at the Indian River Community Foundation assisted the Future Leaders in establishing a competitive grants program for the fund, including issuing the request for proposals, collecting the grant proposals, and facilitating the grant review process.
Will Schlitt is the chairman of the Future Leaders Professional Advisors Council Grants Committee. Other members include Vicki Brown, Nick Bruce, Rusty Cappelen, Ryan Cobb, Patrick Farrah, Shaun Fedder, Alex MacWilliam, Ron McCall, Elizabeth Sorensen, Joe Stonelake, and Macy Story.
“We were most interested in programs that help youth develop a sense of purpose, belonging, and responsibility. It is important for at-risk youth to have opportunities to take leadership roles and learn that no matter what their circumstances, they can contribute positively to the world around them,” Schlitt said.
Specifically, the committee looked for proposals that demonstrated the youth were viewed as partners in the proposed program or project; had meaningful input in developing the project or program; were key to the implementation of the activities; and were committed to ongoing participation.
Gifford Youth Orchestra will utilize its $2,500 grant for a Junior Toastmasters program to improve their students’ communication skills. It is the third phase of the Leadership Training curriculum used by the orchestra and will serve 30 students.
The $2,500 grant awarded to Girls on the Run of the Treasure Coast will establish Girls on Track, a program to empower 6th through 8th grade girls to make healthy choices, develop positive relationships, and build self worth.
Girls on Track is an experience based curriculum, which integrates training for running into learning lifelong skills. The grant will serve 45 girls during the 2014 season.
“It was an honor not only to help review the grant proposals, but to see firsthand the passion and integrity of the Future Leaders grants committee members. They are going out of their way to not only learn new skills that will help their clients, but also do something wonderful for our community,” said Kerry Bartlett, Executive Director of the Indian River Community Foundation.
The Indian River Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides donors with flexible, philanthropic tools to achieve their current and long term charitable giving goals.
Since 2008, in partnership with more than 1,500 philanthropists, the Indian River Community Foundation has granted more than $16 million to nonprofit organizations.
For more information, please visit the website at www.IRCommunityFoundation.com or call Kerry Bartlett at (772) 492-1407.