Rio has been a member of the family for a month now. Time flies!
I always say dogs keep us humble and Rio is no exception. I thought he was housetrained until two weeks ago.
I did a closer inspection of the carpet in the living room and discovered Rio felt it was a good indoor bathroom.
Since then, I have supervised him more closely, crated or leashed him more often and provided food rewards for going potty outside. We haven’t had any more problems, but I still don’t trust him and am watching him carefully.
I hope it makes you feel better to know this stuff happens to every one!
The first few weeks I had Rio, I didn’t take him on any outings. I wanted to be sure we were comfortable with each other.
He has been through a lot in terms of relocating and stress. I wanted to make sure he knows his new, forever home is with us.
I gradually started taking him to my agility classes for some exposure to nice people and lots of dogs. He and my Border Collie Jesse hang out and watch the action.
It’s good for both of them, and I love having them with me.
I mentioned Rio has guy issues. This past weekend I took him to an agility practice in Grant. There were lots of men, women and dogs.
Plenty of distractions for Rio to meet.
We did some low key socialization, look at the man, get a treat and sniff the man and get a treat to create some confidence and good experiences.
Rio isn’t ready for strange guys to pet him yet.
But he did have a great time!
Cissy Sumner, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA
Best Behavior Dog Training
Member, Board of Directors, CCPDT
Consulting Dog Trainer & Behavior Counselor
for the Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County
APDT #062323
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator #13985
Vero Beach, FL