VERO BEACH — Exchange Club of Indian River presented its Proudly We Hail award to Frank Zorc of Vero Beach at its weekly luncheon meeting at Culinary Capers Catering on June 22. His daughter, Gwen Lamothe, accompanied him to the presentation.
Andrew Molloy, chair of the club’s Proudly We Hail committee, made the presentation of a special plaque depicting the Pledge of Allegiance in recognition of Mr. Zorc’s contribution of the original American flags that fly over Vero’s bridges on national holidays, such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veterans Day, in honor of the armed forces. In 2010, he also donated the 25-foot-long flag that flies over the entrance to Memorial Island and has provided other flags for display over the years.
Zorc is a lifelong admirer of the American flag. At age 12, he founded the “Red, White, and Blue Boys Club.” Members collected newspapers and other needed items for the wartime effort.
Proudly We Hail is a special Americanism award presented annually by Exchange Clubs throughout the country. It honors individuals, businesses, and institutions for outstanding and ongoing patriotic display of the American flag. Other Exchange Club of Indian River projects to promote Americanism include Get Out the Vote, One Nation Under God, Project GiveAKidAFlagToWave, and installations of Freedom Shrines in public buildings.
Exchange Club of Indian River meets for lunch at Culinary Capers each Wednesday at noon. Meetings feature programs on a wide range of business, government and civic, charity, personal, and professional topics. It provides the community with programs in youth activities, service, and Americanism.
Through participation in its national mission, the Prevention of Child Abuse, the Exchange Club of Indian River’s Foundation supports a number of local youth-related projects. Its major fundraisers include the Annual Exchange Club Blue Water Open “Dolphin Mania” Charity Fishing Tournament held each May.
For more information, call current Club President R.J. MacMillan at 772-713-3882 or visit www.exchangeclubofindianriver.org or www.bluewateropen.org.