INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – The ages ranged from a year to too-many-to-ask at the Sweet Creations bakery on Old Dixie Highway Saturday as dozens of children picked up frosting bags and decorated cakes especially for their moms.
“I saw it on Facebook and thought this would be very cute,” Carley Walker said of decorating a cake for her mom.
Walker reached out to her friends, who thought the same, and they reserved a spot at Lori S. Young’s shop Saturday to make a special treat for their own moms.
Young, who recently opened her cake shop on Old Dixie Highway south of 12th Street, got the idea for a Mother’s Day cake decorating event from what she does come Christmas – decorate gingerbread houses with the children of her friends and family.
“It’s been a good turnout,” Young said of the inaugural event – one she hopes to retool for the Fourth of July later this year.
“My goal is to provide residents of Indian River County an affordable, beautiful and delicious alternative to grocery store cakes,” Young said.
Having only been open for about a month, the Mother’s Day event served two purposes – help kids give their moms a unique present, and introduce her wares to the public.
“As a mom, you really like to get handmade stuff,” Young said.
Young set up a banquet table with a cake at each place and gave the decorators a quick lesson on how to use the frosting bags and different decorative tips.
“I feel so professional,” Star Knudson said of getting to decorate a cake on a turntable.
Alex Knudson said she was decorating cupcakes for a lot of people, including her step-mom, Star, and her grandma.
“I work at a bakery,” said Hope White, “but they don’t let me touch any of the stuff.”
White’s cake looked like it had been professionally decorated, prompting Young to invite her back to the shop another time to decorate.
Whether White’s bosses would change their mind remains to be seen.
Thirteen-year-old Chase Stepanek and his brother, Griffin, 10, each decorated their own cakes for their mom.
Griffin got an assist from step-dad Joseph Keith, who wrote “Happy Mother’s Day” on the cake.
“I’m trying to make it look like you wrote it,” Keith quipped.
The boys said they drew inspiration from their mom’s favorite colors for their cakes.
“I just want to make my mom happy,” Chase said. Griffin agreed.