E-FIT: Seeking ‘perfect’ score leads to missteps

In trying to change up my routine, I decided to go back to the Wii Fit Plus. I get along well with Step Aerobics – most of the time – and thought I’d pick that up.

If you’re not familiar with it, you step in time with the music and the characters on and off the balance board. Sometimes it’s a simple on-off move, other times it’s more complicated with a kick thrown in or a side-step.

Whatever the move happens to be, I’ve learned I perform best when I can shut off my brain. Thinking about the upcoming move throws me off the rhythm, leading to an “ok” or “missed” step instead of the “perfect” I’m seeking.

The problem seems to come after I’ve strung together a long line of “perfect” steps and I let myself consider the possibility that maybe – this time – I’ll finally have a Perfect Score!

No such luck. The thought no sooner pops into my head and I misstep.

Today, I tried three times. The first ended up being my best score to date – 15 “Ok”s, no misses – the rest Perfect.

On my second attempt, I was so focused on beating my previous score that I nearly fell off the board during a side-step maneuver. It won’t do me any good if I twist an ankle while working out. Sigh.

On my final attempt today, I didn’t even place in the Top 10 scores.

As I said, it’s best to turn the brain off. As you can see, though, that’s easier said than done.

But one bit of advice that should be easy enough for anyone to follow – turn off the phone and tell anyone who happens to be around while you’re working out to hold any conversations or questions until after the workout.

Until next time,


E-FIT: Seeking ‘perfect’ score leads to missteps

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