VERO BEACH — Bob Schlitt, past president of Exchange Club of Indian River, led a team of five Exchangites in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® walk on October 23. Other club members participating in bright red 4″ stiletto heels were Ed Kay, Jon Rose, Jeff Smith, and Bill Depp. Exchange Club of Indian River sponsored the team. Members of the club served as their enthusiastic cheerleaders. Schlitt is secretary of the SafeSpace Board of Directors and its Resource Development committee chair. The event, held in honor of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, was a benefit for SafeSpace shelters on the Treasure Coast.
The Club is one of five Exchange Clubs in Indian River County working together to make the community a better place to live. Exchange Club of Indian River meets for lunch at Culinary Capers each Wednesday at noon to enjoy programs on a wide range of professional, government and civic, charity, personal, and business topics.
The Foundation’s Second Annual WinnerFest Merry Christmas Raffle, chaired by R.J. MacMillan, will be held December 18 at the Seventh Annual Winter Fest in Pointe West’s Heritage Park. Top prize in this year’s Raffle is a 32GB Apple iPad with Wi-Fi valued at more than $700. Merrill Lynch is a major WinnerFest sponsor.
All proceeds benefit local child abuse prevention projects; the winner need not be present to win. The Foundation’s other major fundraiser is the 35th Annual Exchange Club Blue Water Open “Dolphin Mania” Charity Fishing Tournament on May 21.
Information: Call 772-473-4416 or visit www.exchangeclubofindianriver.org or www.bluewateropen.org.