INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Breaking bread together for the homeless has become a community ritual. The 18th annual Samaritan Center Soup Bowl will be held county wide on Thursday, November 4 from 11: 30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and at evening locations from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Check the Samaritan Center website, www.samaritancentervero.org, for the location nearest you. Requested $5 donation for soup; $10 donation for handcrafted bowl.
Co-chairs Kristen Ashcroft and Shotsi Lajoie are facilitatating this community ritual. 60 restaurants are expected to supply 15 local places of worship with soup as they open their doors to the public where thousands participate. It is predicted that twenty five businesses will also invite the public and offer their own soup, last year 5000 were served.
The Vero Beach Museum of Art was the location of a workshop where over 1100 wheel thrown bowls were made by volunteer potters. These will be available at the public locations on November 4th, along with raffle tickets for handmade soup tureens, by artists; Glenda Taylor, Sharon Sexton, Sean Sexton, Richard Pierce, Sean Clinton and Maria Sparsis.
Information: Call 772-770-3039 or visit www.samaritancentervero.org