Booth space available for Christmas in Downtown

VERO BEACH — The annual Christmas in Downtown event will be held on 14th Avenue in Historic Downtown Vero Beach in conjunction with Downtown Friday on Friday, Nov. 27, the day after Thanksgiving, from 3:30 to 8:30 pm.  Arts and crafts vendors, who would like to participate in the Christmas Craft Market, are invited to submit an application form by downloading one from or by calling the Heritage Center at (772) 770-2263 or Dee Morton of Vero Heritage, Inc., at (772) 388-4616.  Booths are available both inside and outside the Heritage Center.  Vendors with arts, crafts, specialty items and similar wares are welcome; no flea market items, please.  A Christmas Craft Market booth fee is $45.

A booth form for non-profit organizations and non-craft businesses may be downloaded from or by calling Susan Viviano at 772-978-9596.  Food vendors are invited by invitation only.  Non-profit and non-craft business booths will all be located outside along 14th Avenue.  Main Street members & non-profits organizations are $35; non-members are $65 which includes a one-year membership in Main Street Vero Beach.

Booth set-ups begin at 12:30 p.m. when the street will be closed off to traffic. All participants must be in place by the 3:30 p.m. event start time.  Due to the evening hours, outside vendors are asked to have booth lighting, lit by batteries or a generator. No electricity is available.

Christmas in Downtown at Downtown Friday is sponsored by and is a fundraiser for the non-profit organizations, Vero Heritage, Inc. and Main Street Vero Beach.

Information:  Visit

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