hot topics online features

Why online learning might be a better option for your student

(ARA) - Today's middle and high school students, who have been called the "iGeneration," are the first to ...

bridal online features

More couples deciding to have ‘do-it-yourself’ weddings to cut costs

When Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President and Mrs. Bill Clinton, got married this year, the family ...

online features senior living

Caregivers: Making the transition from hospital to home easier

(ARA) - Coming home from the hospital or other care setting after an illness or surgery can be ...

money and finance online features

Before you begin a remodel, know how to score the best financing

(ARA) - Americans are learning to be frugal again, with more of us looking to spend less, and ...

money and finance online features

Identity theft protection tips for college kids

(ARA) - College students may not perceive themselves as being at risk from identity thieves or needing identity ...

family living online features

Five time-saving tips for simplifying your school routine

(ARA) - The school year to-do list gets longer and longer as the year progresses, which can be ...

family living online features

The right car seat to keep your child safe

If you had to venture a guess, what would you think is the No. 1 killer of children ...

health and wellness online features

Cell phones and cars – a dangerous mix

In many states, drivers are prohibited from using hand-held cell phones while driving, and for good reason. According ...

education online features

Tips to buy school supplies, without spending extra cash

According to a consumer survey by Deloitte, only 17 percent of respondents planned to cut back on back ...

online features travel

How to make it through rush hour without all the stress

For the millions of Americans who commute to work, rush hour can be one of the most painfully ...

online features seasonal

Great dishes for a carefree, casual feast

(ARA) - Casual, laid back dining with family and friends is definitely a must for outdoor gatherings and ...

hot topics online features

Helping dispel some of the most talked about driving myths

You may have heard that during a rainstorm you should put on a pair of sunglasses to increase ...