indian river county News public safety

County Crime Blotter: July 27

July 27 arrest reports: Michael Fennall Brown, 19, of 101st Ave., Sebastian; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: July 26

July 26 arrest reports: Salvador A. Ayerdis, 37, of 6576 4th Lane, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 6500 block ...

indian river county News public safety

County Crime Blotter: July 26

July 26 arrest reports: Salvador A. Ayerdis, 37, of 6576 4th Lane, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 6500 block ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: July 25

July 25 arrest reports: Daniel Justin Coutard, 22, of 1510 19th Ave. SW, Vero Beach; AL: 1510 19th ...

indian river county News public safety

County Crime Blotter: July 25

July 25 arrest reports: Daniel Justin Coutard, 22, of 1510 19th Ave. SW, Vero Beach; AL: 1510 19th ...

government indian river county News

Sheriff wins partial victory on budget; fewer cutbacks, no tax increase

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY -- In a lengthy afternoon session of the Indian River County budget workshop, Sheriff Deryl ...

indian river county News public safety

Sheriff’s Office seeks citizen tips in Gifford shooting

GIFFORD -- In an argument that escalated into violence in front of the Four Brothers Grocery Store, a ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: July 20

July 20 arrest reports: Joseph Genarro Carbone, 62, of Palm Bay; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero Beach; ...

indian river county News public safety

County Crime Blotter: July 20

July 20 arrest reports: Joseph Genarro Carbone, 62, of Palm Bay; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero Beach; ...

indian river county News public safety

County Crime Blotter: July 19

July 19 arrest reports: Lennox Agustus Baker, 22, 2316 23rd St., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: July 19

July 19 arrest reports: Lennox Agustus Baker, 22, 2316 23rd St., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., ...

News public safety sebastian

Sebastian Crime Blotter: July 19

July 19 arrest reports: Daniel Emmett Cain, 37, 826 Dolores St., Sebastian; Arrest Location: 4055 41st Ave., Vero ...