indian river county News spotlight


James Gee waits for music at the Thunder on the Beach Pow Wow at the Indian River County ...

indian river county News spotlight


A man dances at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. Staff photo ...

indian river county News spotlight

Thunder on the Beach Powwow

James Gee dances during the Grand Entry at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River ...

indian river county News spotlight


Gabe Wainscott performs a grass dance at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. ...

indian river county News spotlight


Duane Whitehorse dons Northern traditional regalia at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. ...

indian river county News spotlight


Duane Whitehorse dances at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. Staff photo by ...

indian river county News spotlight


Several people in traditional attire perform at the Thunder on the Beach Powwow at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. ...