indian river county News public safety

Jeffrey Broughton

Jeffrey Broughton, 23, is accused of stealing aluminum window frames and siding from vacant homes to sell for ...

indian river county News public safety

Douglas Frasier, Jr.

Douglas Frasier Jr. has been identified as the victim of a homicide in Gifford, off 61st Court. He ...

Shawn Paul Bennett

Shawn Paul Bennett, 23, is accused of burglarizing Perkins Pharmacy and Italian Kitchen in Vero Beach. He told ...

Kyle Fredrickson

Murder suspect Kyle Fredrickson. Booking photo from 2010

indian river county News public safety

Rondell Reed and Leviticus Taylor

Rondell Reed (left) now has gray hair and is no longer wearing a neckbrace. Leviticus Taylor now has ...

indian river county News public safety

Rondell Reed

Rondell Reed - at time of booking in May 2011. His hair is now gray and is no ...