indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 25

Arrest and booking reports: March 25 Elizabeth Foster, 22, of 2040 45th Ave., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4055 ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: March 25

Arrest and booking reports: March 25 Donald Ray Hart, 24, of 1295 45th Lane, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: ...

News public safety sebastian

Sebastian Crime Blotter: March 25

Arrest and booking reports: March 25 Albert Sidney Johnston, 21, of 114 Alameda Ave., Sebastian; Arrest Location: 4055 ...

News public safety sebastian

Sebastion Crime Blotter: March 23

Arrest and booking reports: March 23 udilee Marie Garcia, 50, of 9611 U.S. Hwy 1, Sebastian; Arrest Location: ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 23

Arrest and booking reports: March 23 David Michael Decker, 33, of 1263 Scarlet Oak Circle, Vero Beach; Arrest ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: March 23

Arrest and booking reports: March 23 Judilee Marie Garcia, 50, of 9611 U.S. Hwy 1, Sebastian; Arrest Location: ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 22

Arrest and booking reports: March 22 Aron Kindle Brazee, 31, of 945 52nd Ave., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: March 22

Arrest and booking reports: March 22 Jeremy Scott, 28, of 44 Aero Lane, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 2100 ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 21

Arrest and booking reports: March 21 Sidney Aird, 26, of 1135 18th Ave. SW, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: ...

News public safety sebastian

Sebastian Crime Blotter: March 21

Arrest and booking reports: March 21 Kevin Rolf Rosellen, 24, of 102 Pitts Place, Sebastian; Arrest Location: 4055 ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 19

Arrest and booking reports: March 19 Alex Stephen Carey, 22, of 1446 6th Court, Vero Beach; Arrest Location: ...

News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: March 18

Arrest and booking reports: March 18 Stanley Robert David, 24, Transient; Arrest Location: 700 Block of 20th St., ...