online features travel

Tips for travelers to thwart identity thieves

(ARA) - You're not the only one looking forward to your vacation or business trip. Identity thieves relish ...

online features travel

Before you hit the road this summer – find out what the biggest U.S. cities have to offer

(ARA) - With summer right around the corner and the weather finally starting to warm up, many Americans ...

online features travel

Simple rules to keep family travel fun, affordable and stress-free

(ARA) - If you've watched any of the "Vacation" movies, you've seen what can go wrong on a ...

online features travel

The forgotten distraction from safe driving

There have been several laws passed to deter distracted driving in recent years, many of them related to ...

online features travel

Are you driving distracted, and is your auto insurance suffering?

When you get into the driver's seat of your vehicle, you may unconsciously take note of a few ...

online features travel

Tips for finding cheap flights for summer travel

Air travel can be expensive for one person, and if you're planning a trip for your whole family, ...

online features travel

Hop a cheap flight to visit the ‘greatest’ lake

What's in a name? Everything if you are talking about Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the ...

online features travel

Five essential steps to prepare for your vacation

People are gearing up for family vacations as school lets out for summer break and great deals abound ...

online features travel

Check for cheap flights to America’s oldest city

So you've decided a Florida vacation is in the cards for your family this summer. Instead of vacationing ...

online features travel

Traveling this summer? Don’t get derailed by digestive distress

(ARA) - Summer is here - and for many, long weekends and sweltering temps inspire wanderlust and a ...

online features travel

Plan a weekend of culture and fun: Get cheap flights to Washington D.C.

It's our nation's capital, home to myriad federal agencies, embassies and historic monuments. But Washington, D.C., is a ...

online features travel

Cheap flights to Northwest cities can bring you closer to the pleasures of the coast

You've heard songs about the sunny California coast and you know the Alaskan frontier is gorgeous, but California ...