online features senior living

Saving for both college tuition and retirement

For many American parents, saving to pay for a teen's college education and saving for their personal retirement ...

online features senior living

Seniors shoulder a surprisingly large credit card debt burden

(ARA) - Younger generations of Americans have long looked up to their elders as paragons of good financial ...

online features senior living

More Americans value funeral services, but few pre plan

(ARA) - America is a nation of planners. Americans plan their vacations, retirement, careers and even plan right ...

online features senior living

Have an empty nest? Put out the welcome mat for guests

(ARA) - When your youngest child packs up his room, loads all his belongings into the car, and ...

online features senior living

When the pain just won’t go away: Tips for talking to your doctor and coping with fibromyalgia

(ARA) - Do you have pain and tenderness all over your body, with no obvious cause? Do you ...

online features senior living

Overactive bladder is treatable, not an inevitable, embarrassing aspect of aging

A rarely discussed medical condition afflicts roughly one in six Americans. Many incorrectly accept it as an inevitable ...

online features senior living

Where there’s a will, there’s a way: Tips for estate planning

There's nothing like the satisfaction of crossing something off your to-do list, especially when it's the "bucket list" ...

online features senior living

Who is your Diabetes Co-Star? Recognizing the importance of a support system

(ARA) - It is estimated that nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes, including an estimated 5.7 million who ...

online features senior living

Staying well at age 50 and older

It's tempting sometimes to just sit back as you age, relying on the things you already know, the ...

online features senior living

Catch the fine print – without losing style points

(ARA) - When you have to switch to large print books, or move the food label farther away ...

online features senior living

Salt and aging: What you need to know for your long-term health

(ARA) - As we get older, many of us hear the same advice from friends, family and even ...

online features senior living

What millions of men should know about low testosterone and osteoporosis

(ARA) - As the cold weather approaches and the task of heading outside to shovel heavy snow looms, ...