online features Real Estate

Simple accessory switches can lighten your decor for summer days

(ARA) - With long days and plenty of sunshine, you're ready for your home decor to fully embrace ...

online features Real Estate

How a garage door can improve the appearance of your home’s exterior

(ARA) - With warm weather months here, it's the perfect season for the annual ritual of performing a ...

online features Real Estate

Ten ways to improve your home’s curb appeal

(ARA) - If you think having great curb appeal is only important if you're trying to sell your ...

Other Sections Real Estate

Orchid Landing development on U.S. 1 placed in receivership

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY -- Brenner Real Estate Group, which has offices in Melbourne and Fort Lauderdale, has been ...

online features Real Estate

Creative tips for selling your house in a down market

The housing market in the U.S. has done a 180. What was once one of the most booming ...

online features Real Estate

Maximize rental profits by balancing corporate and vacation tenants

(ARA) - Real estate agent Diana Schenker of Scottsdale, Ariz., owns two furnished properties that she offers as ...

online features Real Estate

Four simple projects to help sell your home fast

(ARA) - You may have noticed an increase in the number of "for sale" signs around your neighborhood, ...

online features Real Estate

Summer living: creating the perfect attic bedroom

(ARA) - For many people, the attic is an oversized junk closet. It's a space where all of ...

online features Real Estate

Must-have insurance information for new homeowners

Once the excitement of buying a new home begins to subside, the reality of protecting that home from ...

online features Real Estate

How to sell your house online

Even in a sluggish housing market, thousands of properties are still bought and sold on a daily basis. ...

online features Real Estate

Selling a house? Tips for attracting buyers with good scents

(ARA) - Can a potential buyer be compelled to make a big purchase if a pleasant background fragrance ...

Other Sections Real Estate

4 beachside condos to be auctioned in foreclosure case

VERO BEACH - Four condominium units at the Vero Beach Hotel and Club on Ocean Drive will be ...