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Hibiscus Summer Social gets artistic this year

The Hibiscus Children’s Center Summer Social took an artistic approach this year, with Indian River County Advisory Board ...

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Summer Fun 5K: Scholarships for Girls on the Run

Girl power at its enthusiastic best was on the move last Friday evening, as more than 120 runners ...

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This year’s Christmas in July benefits Toys for Tots

The Christmas spirit was in the air last week – despite that air being hot and humid. Accompanied ...

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$20 buys ‘happy feet’ – and a lot more in education

“Twenty dollars can change a child’s life,” says Trudie Rainone, the ardent force behind a funding initiative called ...

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75 culprits glad to be arrested for a good cause

Roughly 75 people spent a few hours in “jail” Thursday, but the enjoyable experience, easily more hokey than ...

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Fishing Club has stellar leader in Captain Kirk

Sebastian Fishing Club leader Capt. Kirk VanHart is always getting comments about a certain other Captain with whom ...

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Sebastian Elks organize benefit for local couple

On Saturday, July 26, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Sebastian Elks Club will open its doors ...

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Youth Guidance sees bright future in mentoring academy

Strong role models are central to the development of children and adolescents, and for the past 40 years ...

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Small celebration for her 100th birthday

1914. It was the year of the first scheduled airline flight and the founding of the stock brokerage ...

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Sebastian girls All Stars win softball tournament

For the first time in at least eight years, the Sebastian River Area Little League All Star Major ...

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Students overcome many obstacles to graduate

Graduation from high school is cause for celebration in everyone’s life, but it’s even more notable for students ...

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Sea scout receives high award for saving a life

Sebastian sea scout Chris Johnson was taken completely by surprise June 22, during the Sea Scout Ship 501 ...