business and careers online features

How to Cash in on the Gig Economy

(StatePoint) There’s an exciting career revolution taking place for those who want to call their own shots, set ...

health and wellness online features

Natural Ways to Support Infant Health During Pregnancy

(StatePoint) In the last 10 years, scientists have learned that having enough beneficial gut bacteria is a critical ...

health and wellness online features

Women: The Key to Urinary Health Starts with the Gut

(StatePoint) As most women who have suffered urinary health issues know, such conditions can be irritating and uncomfortable. ...

health and wellness online features

Think you’re eating well? Misconceptions lead to nutrient deficiencies for many

(BPT) - The good news? Americans think they are eating well; in fact, 60 percent say they eat ...

online features Real Estate

Survey: African-Americans passionate about homeownership, but fewer own homes

(BPT) - More than any other demographic group, African-Americans perceive homeownership as an integral component of the American ...

green living online features

Roots run deep for American growers

(BPT) - The trend of home and community gardens is on the rise in the U.S. A 2014 ...

lawn and garden online features

Transform your backyard with a paver patio

(BPT) - As the natural extension of a home’s interior, making sure the backyard is an attractive and ...

online features pets

Shelter volunteers play critical role in animal welfare efforts

(BPT) - Approximately 6.5 million cats and dogs enter animal shelters each year, according to the American Society ...

home improvement online features

5 renovation resolutions for your home this year

(BPT) - It’s no secret that springtime is synonymous with spruce-ups. But, as is often the case, homeowners ...

health and wellness online features

The important role vaccines may play in helping keep children and adults healthy

(BPT) - Every one of the nearly 12,000 babies born in the United States each day may be ...

health and wellness online features

U.S. Teen Is First Pediatric Patient In The World To Use Breakthrough Smart Insulin Pump That Personalizes Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes

New MiniMed 670G Insulin Pump System Can Automatically Monitor And Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels So People Can Spend ...

fashion beauty fitness online features

Tips to Refresh Yourself this Season

(StatePoint) For a happier, healthier you, take some time to clean and clear your body and mind. Here ...