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More Americans value funeral services, but few pre plan

(ARA) - America is a nation of planners. Americans plan their vacations, retirement, careers and even plan right ...

espanol online features

Las sencillas ventajas de comprar por internet esta temporada navideña

(ARA) - Internet ha cambiado muchas cosas en nuestras vidas, y una de ellas, es la forma en ...

money and finance online features

Eight tax tips that will save you time and money

(ARA) - When all the holiday dust settles, tax time begins for millions of Americans. Regardless of when ...

espanol online features

Las tarjetas de crédito le ayudan a proteger su historial

(ARA) - Mientras más información conozca acerca de las tarjetas de crédito, mejor podrá controlar su vida financiera. ...

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Concerned about your community? Connect with your neighbors

(ARA) - Americans are nervous about the quality of life in their communities - and even as their ...

business and careers online features

Cash flow: How to keep your small business booming

Cash is king - or, more accurately, if you're a small business, cash flow is essential to keep ...

online features tech talk and innovation

Snow thrower safety and maintenance tips for winter

(ARA) - Soon it will be time to clear snow off driveways and walkways. Before starting up the ...

online features seasonal

Decorating tips to help you add warmth and welcome to your home

(ARA) - No matter where it is, no matter how it's decorated, a home should always provide a ...

online features tech talk and innovation

Technology gadgets make great holiday gifts

(ARA) - Technology gadgets are big holiday gift items this year - as are all the accessories that ...

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Coupons for moms to tackle their holiday shopping list

The holiday shopping marathon is off to a great start with stores offering discounts to entice shoppers with ...

home improvement online features

How to make your home uninviting to thieves this holiday season

Are you heading out of town for the holidays? Perhaps for a family reunion or to visit with ...

home decorating online features

Keep child and pet safety in mind when holiday decorating

"The most wonderful time of the year" is just around the corner. Soon the sights and sounds of ...