Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Peer pressure may help you lead more fulfilling life

Have you heard the story about the woman celebrating her 102nd birthday? One of the guests at her ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Are you a success? A question worth re-addressing

We did a little research recently on the website,, and found that many people the world would ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Let’s not forget who we are, and Whose we are

Mark Trotter tells the story of a man whose great ambition was to become a general in the ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Coping techniques – Tips for the harried and hassled

We recently came across an article written by Therese Borchard that recounted her experiences with managing challenging situations ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Resetting your RAS can help keep your heart alive

Did you know that each fully equipped human being comes with a reticular activating system as a standard ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: God’s voice calls us out of our self-created tombs

Have you heard the humorous story about the friends who were discussing death? One of them asked the ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Could it be we’re blind to our own limitations?

The legend has long been told about the famed Czarina Catherine of Russia who, at the urging of ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Flint, Sponge, or Honeycomb?

A wise person once commented that there are three kinds of givers in the world: the flint, the ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Easter means everybody is ‘somebody’s someone’

Leslie Weatherhead was a theologian, author, and pastor of the Church of England who lived in London during ...