Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Former local editor now urging #dropthepaper

To my former colleagues at the Press Journal: Maybe it’s time to start worrying about our former employer, ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: 25 recent reports of road rage raise safety concerns

Of the more than 25 recent reports to the Sheriff's Office of road-rage incidents in our community, two ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: ‘This whole thing has been handled horribly’

It's troubling enough that an eighth-grade boy in our community would get any kind of thrill from posting ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Why is School District out to get Coach Joe?

I’m told by people who ought to know that some members of the Indian River County School Board ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Unlikely friends – The prosecutor and the public defender

At first blush, it seems strange. Almost like Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner being pals. Or ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Mike Livings, son of Billy, battles diabolical disease

There's no way to know if Mike Livings, who now looks 30 years older than his age, has ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Jeb still leading in Vero campaign contributions

There's no denying that Donald Trump and his bluster have changed the tone, focus and, to a larger ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Stanford Erickson on ‘women who can be president’

As fate would have it, Stanford Erickson’s latest book couldn’t have hit the market at a better time. ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Something stinks in the treatment of Coach Joe

If you spend most of your adult life doing what I do for a living, you can’t help ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Short-term rental regulation doesn’t solve problem

Glenn Powell wasn't going to change my mind about short-term vacation rentals, which I strongly believe have no ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: What happened to all the local tennis tournaments?

Every now and then, usually while relaxing over beers after a few sets of doubles, some of my ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Too many folks getting hit by cars here lately

Has anyone else noticed that far too many folks are getting hit by cars around here lately? As ...