My Vero

Hard to believe! No arrest likely in Grove Bar shooting

It's difficult to believe a man could be shot in front of multiple witnesses in the middle of ...

My Vero

Vero trainer has treated a ‘Who’s Who’ of tennis

For Gary Kitchell, there’s something special about being one of the guys. “When you do what I do ...

My Vero

Man convicted of slaying as juvenile should not go free

Would you want Brooks Bellay as your neighbor? Would you want to live next door to a middle-aged, ...

My Vero

Six months later, no one yet arrested in Grove shooting

A man was shot multiple times in front of a crowd of witnesses on the main drag in ...

My Vero

Narrowing the Twin Pairs: A very bad idea that doesn’t go away

Every few years, some folks suggest we need to redo the traffic pattern along an often-busy stretch of ...

My Vero

Irma chased Vero evacuees to Georgia and North Carolina

Going to the mountains to escape the wrath of a hurricane bearing down on Florida might seem like ...

My Vero

Hate putting up shutters? Maybe time for impact glass

The grumbling began early last week, when weather forecasters issued the first warnings that Hurricane Irma might be ...

My Vero

Local insurance agent is charged with felony fraud

A local insurance agent getting charged with felony fraud after being accused of stealing more than $24,000 in ...

My Vero

Schools’ record on black teachers is embarrassing

Too often, the people running the county's schools arrive at decisions that do not make sense. Sometimes, these ...

My Vero

‘Operation Safe Streets’ necessary despite mixed reviews

The late, great author Thomas Wolfe was right: You can't go home again. When I visited family and ...

My Vero

Police bodycams not seen likely here soon

Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar, Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey and 19th Judicial Circuit State Attorney ...

My Vero

Loar presides at wedding of deputy shot in Gifford

This past Friday evening, in a ballroom on the second floor of The Moorings' clubhouse, a smiling and ...