Blogs My Vero

Police may have broken the law in prostitution sting

Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled last summer that law enforcement agencies conducting the February 2019 prostitution ...

Blogs My Vero

Probe portrays Justice as instigator – not victim

The school district’s report on its in-house investigation into Tiffany Justice’s visit to Beachland Elementary on April 7 ...

Blogs My Vero

Chamber exec accused of ‘bullying’ School Board

Chamber of Commerce President Dori Stone wouldn’t share her organization’s code of conduct, but she did say staffers ...

Blogs My Vero

St. Ed’s honors ‘kid with the heart of a champion’

“It ain’t about how hard you hit,” Rocky Balboa said to his son in the last of Sylvester ...

Blogs My Vero

Tragic St. Ed’s drowning leaves tough questions

There are always questions at times like this, when a young life filled with so much promise is ...

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Pickleball courts at Riverside Park a bad idea

Pickleball might resemble a miniature version of tennis, but the two games are not compatible, and their courts ...

Blogs My Vero

NAACP needs to give school district chance to resolve long-outstanding issues

Longtime local NAACP chapter president Tony Brown has legitimate reasons to doubt the sincerity of the school district’s ...

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Charlie Wilson set to retire amid allegations of harassment

Maybe there was no better way to go, given the unusual circumstances under which Wesley Davis became the ...

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Don’t let words ‘equity’ and ‘diversity’ scare you

There’s only one response to those who oppose the School Board’s unanimous decision last month to hire an ...

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School foundation has big hurdle to overcome

School Board Chairman Brian Barefoot has been trying in recent weeks to figure out how to create a ...

Blogs My Vero

British takeover of FlightSafety school has to be good thing

The decision by FlightSafety International to sell its 55-year-old Vero Beach pilot academy to a British flight-training school ...

Blogs My Vero

Do we need a ‘Brady List’ here to track problem officers?

Fewer than half of Florida’s 20 state attorneys compile and maintain a “Brady List” – a collection of ...