government indian river county News

School Board decides to start process to find other legal help

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County School Board decided Tuesday night to start the process to ...

government News vero beach

Events focus on sale of Vero Beach Electric utility to FPL

VERO BEACH — More than 200 people showed up to two events Thursday to find out more about ...

fellsmere government News

Fellsmere Council forgives County $20,500 in fire hydrant fines

FELLSMERE — The two-year battle over the upkeep and maintenance of the City of Fellsmere's fire hydrants is ...

government News vero beach

Vero Beach Police Chief Dappen rebuffs request to retire

VERO BEACH — Vero Beach Police Chief Don Dappen said "no" to City Manager Jim O'Connor's request that ...

government indian river county News

County Commission supports a YES vote on Vero Beach utility referendum

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY - The County Commission today unanimously passed a resolution urging a yes vote in the ...

government indian river county News

County Commission approves final plan to redraw districts

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The County Commission today completed its redistricting process that evens out the population in ...

government News vero beach

Vero Beach council reviews electric appraisal, attorneys’ progress

VERO BEACH — Electric system appraisers GAI Consultants and the transactional attorney for the City of Vero Beach ...

government indian river county News

Oslo boat ramp project backers target of probe

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A fraudulent letter-writing campaign and questionable signatures on petitions are being investigated by a ...

government indian river county News

School Board prepared to approve new 1-year lease for admin building

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County School Board is nearly ready to approve a new lease ...

fellsmere government News

Fellsmere asks county to help with greenway completion

FELLSMERE — Fellsmere City Manager Jason Nunemaker asked the County Commission today to partner with Fellsmere in applying ...

government indian river county News

County modernizes tax collection system, saves $340,000

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Indian River County's tax collection and driver's license office made a belated entry into the ...

fellsmere government News

Fellsmere property owners get one more chance to clear water liens

FELLSMERE — The owners of 12 properties in Fellsmere have one more chance to clear up their outstanding ...