
Bonz becomes best mates with CC the Boat Cat

Since expanding my Potential Interviewee Pool to include Pets of the Feline Pursuasion, I’ve learned a buncha stuff ...


Bonz bonds with Baxter, a good ol’ ‘Bad Boy’

I recently got a Woofmail from Baxter Rocco, a rescue West Highland Terrier. His human sister, Maya, who’s ...


Bonz says lively Olive loves the spot-light

This week I innerviewed another aMAZing pooch who leads a really fun, excitin’ life. Olive Caza is a ...


Bonz basks in the presence of lovely Lily Rose

This week I met a liddle lady pooch, Lily Rose Erickson, an, I must admit, I hadda keep ...


Bonzo says Boo-Boo is one special poocheroo

This week I innerviewed a pooch with an unusual, sad an happy tail. Boo-Boo Seguin is definitely a ...


Bonz makes fast friends with sweet, shy Sammie

This week I innerviewed Sammie Williams, a shiny black Lab/Chow mix. I met her over on Ocean Drive, ...


Bonz says gentle Gabe is truly a ‘Golden’ oldie

Most pooches, when we reach A Certain Age, think about slowin’ down, leavin’ all that goofy puppy stuff ...


Bonz says ‘Ahoy there’ to Pirate in Key West

Last weekend, me an my Assistant took a mini get-away, an I made a new pooch fren – ...


Bonzo’s new French friends are beaucoup cool

This week I really feel like a Dog of the World, cuz I got to innerview two pooches, ...


Bonz quickly jibes with Jake (from State Farm)

I admit, this week, I needed a buncha clee-nexes when I was innerviewing AN writing my column. It’s ...


Hurricane survivor Andy’s one plucky pooch

Woof! Some of you pooches sure have dramatic tails to tell. Like Andy Morgan. Andy got caught in ...


Bonz all Jazz-ed up after meeting this black Lab

A coupla weeks back I got a woofmail from a black Lab rescue pooch, Jasmine Bowden, who lives ...