Blogs the sports section

SPORTS BLOG: Clash with the Titans

Friday night's contest at the Citrus Bowl may be the the most physical game the people of Indian ...

Blogs have camera will travel

CAMERA BLOG: 9 1/2 feet of fun

Driving up to the Humane Society to visually capture their newest guest, a 9 ½ foot python, my ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA BLOG: Oh, the possibilities of a themed photo contest

The Indian River Photo Club has a large variety of personalities and they all come through in their ...

Blogs working mom

Power of patience

Thanks to learning the hard way, I know how important it is to teach children how to wait: ...

all about pets Blogs

ALL ABOUT PETS BLOG: Don’t let Halloween spook your pets

VERO BEACH -- Halloween is certainly a fun time for families, but according to The Humane Society of ...

Blogs working mom

How do you divide up the holidays?

I'm thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas already. I know, Halloween hasn't even come yet. But I'm trying to ...

Blogs working mom

“Working Mom” song

Someone named Pat Murphy commented on one of my old blog posts over the weekend, encouraging me to ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA BLOG: You can’t beat the view from my office

During the summer months, as most Floridians know, working outside isn't the most fun. Actually, I count the ...

Blogs pets on parade

PETS PARADE BLOG: Miss Kitty can learn to sit on cue

It is a popular myth that cats can not be trained. While feline behavior differs from that of ...

Blogs the sports section


As a kid from the suburbs, I never got it. Why did the people on TV make fun ...

Blogs pets on parade

Pet Parade BLOG: Trick to training – what motivates your pet?

Fellow Pet Lovers, while I am primarily a dog trainer, I have a love for all animals. I ...

Blogs pets on parade

PET PARADE BLOG: Feral cats can cause problems

Feral cats can cause quite a problem when they form communities. Feral cats can decimate native species of ...