Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: What’s the buzz in our communities?

Bzzzzz…..If you're addicted to social media (in a good way) this is the blog for you. Part of ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Scattering seed

So about two weeks ago, my greenhouse was delivered. It is the cradle of our organic gardening project ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Gizmos and widgets, rigs and whatzits for stabilization

If you've picked up a photography magazine lately and looked at the ads, you've noticed we are being ...

Blogs random pixels

Camera: To motor drive or not to motor drive

In the photographic community there are purists who would frown upon the use of a motor drive. Depending ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Click here to Unsubscribe

Just like sticking to a diet, not buying any new consumer goods is partially about avoiding temptation. I ...

Blogs random pixels

Camera: To motor drive or not to motor drive

This is a subject that I used a motor drive to photograph. Staff photo: Keith Carson.

Blogs e fitness

E-FIT: She called me ‘Poodle!!’

I need encouragement - I think everyone does when they're doing something they know they need to do ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: A chef’s worst nightmare – fuzzy muffins

A short time ago, I tried out a brand new recipe from a South Beach friendly cookbook - ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Final hunting and gathering

Thinking about what I could or should buy in the final days before I sealed "The Compact" on ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Obscene Christmas

If this blog gets a lot more hits than my first one, I guess we'll know what buzz ...