Blogs pets on parade

PET PARADE: Variety is the “dog treat” of life

Some of us are lucky and have dogs that are calm and content to lounge around the house ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Sushi eating horse, diamonds in ears, and buying twitter followers?

Whenever it’s a hot day I take solace in the fact that I can sit down at my ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Are you ‘green?’ Do you care?

There is sure no lack of things to worry about at the moment, agreed? Not just piddly stuff, ...

all about pets Blogs

ALL PETS: Does your cat have OCD?

Do you have a cat who constantly grooms or performs some other behavior over and over...and over again? ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Does social media make you fat?

I could go both ways with this. It makes you fat because you move less sit in front ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: “No shark has my name on it!”

If I were asked to go in the water to film a great white my answer would be ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Polaroid making a comeback Aug. 15

Going through my parent’s photo albums I can’t help but remember seeing “polaroids.” Some are even in those ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Sometimes you’ve just got to laugh. . .

I'm pretty sure you've had times when there is this Perfect Storm of events that seems to conspire ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Wait five minutes and the weather will change, so will social media

Change is inevitable. Something new in social media will always be in the beginning stages of development and ...

all about pets Blogs

ALL PETS: Keep your pet safe this Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is so exciting we sometimes forget to consider how the holiday may affect our ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: It’s “drop and roll” weather….

A witty reporter on (my favorite channel) The Weather Channel, took the phrase often used in explaining what ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Getty Images ramping up photography for Olympics

I’ve covered high school, college, and some minor league baseball for around a decade and quite frankly the ...