Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Storm doesn’t stop resident’s thoughtfulness

There I am, standing with a colleague from the Press Journal, taking refuge from the pounding rain underneath ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Thundershirts, extra batteries and 37 jars of peanut butter

Is it just me, or do we talk about the weather A LOT? I’m thinking stores will be ...

Blogs pets on parade

PETS: Training your pet makes life more enjoyable and safe

One activity I recommend for all dog owners is a basic obedience class. Taking the time to teach ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: A stomach of steel I have not

A month or so I was taking photos from the Ford Tri-Motor during its flight over Vero Beach ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Olympic games a smashing social media event

It’s been four years since the last summer Olympic games, and wow, how technology has changed the world ...

all about pets Blogs

ALL PETS: What’s in a name?

We all know that children’s names can be stylish but what about names for our dogs and cats? ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Chickens, Paint and Potatoes

OK, I know. It's a chicken. Not exotic. Not even a Habitat chicken. But you don't see that ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Playing horseshoes… with my microphone…

I’m not particularly hard on equipment. But, just like driving, you can’t help what others do around you. ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Criminals are dumb, social media gives them even more rope

I’ve read countless stories of criminals confessing, bragging, or just generally discussing criminal activity on social media. One ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Are you bored, depressed, lonely?

There are, of course, no one-size-fits-all answers to personal issues, but sometimes we have to drag ourselves outside ...

all about pets Blogs

ALL PETS: Back to school shopping that helps Humane Society

If you're searching for school bargains and a great tax break, then head on over to The Humane ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Chasing the pot of gold while looking for unicorns

There are some things in life that just make your smile. Rainbows are one of them for me, ...