Blogs dining guide

Fun-seekers ‘Fly like a bird and swim like a porpoise’

Scott Adams and Carey Whitley set up a flyboard around on the Indian River Lagoon.

Blogs dining guide

DINING: The Tides offers not only good food but great dining

VERO BEACH — While the sine qua non of a great restaurant is a talented chef, there is more ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Squid Lips offers good food, great overall experience

SEBASTIAN — Restaurants aren't always about food. Sure, food is the big part of the experience, but a restaurant ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – fish heads, food, and a spider web

On my assignments last week, here are a few photos that didn’t make it into the coverage or ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – fish heads, food, and a spider web

A spider web hangs from a sculpture at the Vero Beach Museum of Art Sculpture Park. Staff photo: ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – fish heads, food, and a spider web

A mounted fish skeleton is displayed at the Coastal Conservation Banquet. Staff photo: Keith Carson.

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – fish heads, food, and a spider web

David Rodriguez, of Cork & Tapas, prepares paella during the Taste of Vero on Ocean Drive. Staff photo: ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Facebook changes jarring before first cup of coffee

I knew it was coming and it made my stomach flip. Nothing I like to see right after ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Polo Grill is where you feel like a member of the club

Long Island Duckling with a Bing Cherry Sauce.