Blogs dining guide

DINING: Ristorante di Mare serving up wild game and wild turkey

One of the things we have always enjoyed about Ristorante di Mare, a South Beach bistro specializing in ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Are we prepared for an airport emergency?

Nobody wants to think about bad things happening, especially with Thanksgiving only weeks away and Vero about to ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Let the light shine through and you can become a saint, too

There is an old story about a little boy who visited a large city for the first time ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonzo gets a German lesson from Eik Shamoo

This week I had the honor of yapping with a real, No Woof, Honest-To-Rin Tin Tin hero! Eik ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Disney’s Vero Resort offers options – Sonya’s, Shutters

The most challenging reviews to write are of good restaurants where things don’t go quite as they ought ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: TMZ celebrities have discovered Vero Beach

Twenty-five years ago, most of the celebrities who visited or vacationed on our seaside slice of heaven were ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Lightening the load of what weighs us down

Jules Verne once wrote an intriguing novel called “The Mysterious Island” that tells of five soldiers who escaped ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Daring dog a surfing celebrity in pet world

This week I got to yap with a surfer pooch! He’s a big celebrity, with trophies, a Facebook ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Former mayor of Denver moving to Marbrisa

When the former mayor of Denver told me last weekend the closing on his purchase of a house ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Ocean Grill offers spook-tacular stone crabs and more

Why is it I make it a point to do our annual review of the Ocean Grill each ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Teachers pass on more than academic knowledge

As fall rolls on, kids everywhere are back to their routines. They are back to school. Do the ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Two small working dogs named Josh and Lola

Seems like, these days, there are more pooches in the workforce than ever. Being a working mutt myself, ...