News public safety vero beach

Vero Beach Crime Blotter: March 11

Arrest reports for March 11: Thomas William Mackenzie, 41, 1128 19th Place, Vero Beach; Arrest location: 2050 11th ...

News spotlight vero beach

Boxed Lunch Bingo benefits seniors

VERO BEACH -- Senior Resource Association board member Gerry Thistle was the sole man in a room filled ...

News public safety vero beach

Flight student involved in plane crash released from hospital

VERO BEACH -- Avinash Kumar, the 22-year-old flight student involved in the plane crash in Vero Beach last ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: March 10

Arrest reports for March 10: Jerome Carl Johnson, 53, 4438 44th Court, Vero Beach; Arrest location: 4426 33rd ...

government News sebastian

Sebastian council splits over larger crematorium

SEBASTIAN - Seawinds Funeral Home's plans for an expanded crematory on its property next door to the Sebastian ...

News spotlight vero beach

Wine and Food Fiesta delighted guests with a Spanish adventure

VERO BEACH -- Guests arriving at Costa d'Este Wednesday evening were greeted by the rhythmic sounds of a ...

government News vero beach

Beach replenishment costs continue to go ‘up and up and up’

VERO BEACH -- If the county commission and the contractor putting tons of sand on north county beaches ...

indian river county News spotlight

Firefighters’ Fair kicks off Friday, interactive games among attractions

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY -- When the Indian River County Firefighters' Fair kicks off Friday at 5 p.m., it ...

government News vero beach

Search begins to replace Vero Beach finance chief

VERO BEACH -- The head of the city's finance department quietly announced his retirement last week - preparing ...

fellsmere government News

Fellsmere moving forward to establish special redevelopment zones

FELLSMERE - Fellsmere city leaders have decided not to turn the entire city into one large brownfield zone. ...

government News sebastian

Sebastian leaders to consider allocating extra $179,000 for waterfront site

SEBASTIAN - The Sebastian City Council is expected to consider whether it wants to allocate an extra $179,000 ...

News spotlight vero beach

Charity Shoot to target support for students

EF Board President-Elect John Campione, President Sue Tompkins and event co-chairs Patrice Stowe and Jose Prieto