News veronews rewind

WEBCAST: Vero News Rewind June 10


indian river county News public safety

Student pilot, 21, brother, 24, killed in plane crash at Blue Cypress

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY - A 21-year-old student pilot and her 24-year-old brother were killed Thursday when their plane ...

government indian river county News

Funding cuts threaten the future of Cultural Council

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY - With fresh new offices and a newly-named interim director, the Cultural Council of Indian ...

News traffic vero beach

Fletcher, Solari not convinced Amtrak service is way to go

VERO BEACH - At least two members of Indian River County's transportation planning board are concerned not enough ...

indian river county News spotlight

Weekend Winners: Things to do in Indian River County

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY-The Sebastian Chamber's concert in the park series wraps up Friday with Jimmy Buffet-inspired tunes and ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: June 8

Felony arrests and booking reports: June 8 Jerry J. Shelley, 29, of 8455 101st Ave., Vero Beach; Arrest ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: June 7

Felony arrests and booking reports: June 7 Scott William Bailey, 53, 1201 Indian River Blvd., Vero Beach; Arrest ...

government News sebastian

Sebastian council moves forward with recommended charter changes

SEBASTIAN - The Sebastian City Council decided Wednesday night to have its city attorney prepare the paperwork on ...

fellsmere News spotlight

Fellsmere Lions Club dissolving after 20 years of community service

FELLSMERE — The Fellsmere Lions Club will be no more in two weeks, when it holds its final ...

indian river county News public safety

Sheriff’s Office nabs two suspected of dealing marijuana, having stolen guns

VERO BEACH - Despite one man's claim that the marijuana was his, two were arrested for possession, one ...

government News sebastian

Sebastian nature group needs more members or face nonexistence

SEBASTIAN - The Sebastian Natural Resources Board is taking the next two months off for summer in an ...

government News vero beach

New Vero Beach City Manager to attend FP&L meeting today via Skype

VERO BEACH -- James O'Connor won't be physically in Vero Beach until the end of July, but his ...