News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Santa with candy cane lady Jackie Farrell

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Addy and Ben Malik with Santa

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Jessica Ragano, Madison Ware and Aubrey Fiorella, Charter High School Visual and Performing Arts dancers

indian river county News spotlight

“All A’Bout Giving” charity bout

The Punk Rollers take on the Foxy Felons during the "All A'Bout Giving" charity bout at the Skate ...

News sebastian traffic

Parking improvements on US 1 in Sebastian gets started today

SEBASTIAN — Not quite a year after receiving the Sebastian City Council's blessing on plans to improve on-street ...

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Ryn Register ponders the vast array of homemade cookies at the 2011 Happy Holidays at the Museum

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Shirley Wertz, Mary Weisbaum, Claire Bailey, Jackie Farrell, Cathy Walker, Clarissa Marrero, Diane Wilhelm and Charlotte Howell

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Eliana Jones, all dressed up for her visit with Santa

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Noah Hernandez displays the card he made for Santa

News spotlight vero beach

Holidays at the Museum

Elizabeth, Louis and Morgan DeSchouwer with Santa

indian river county News spotlight

United Way, growers ship taste of sunshine with holiday citrus sale

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — For 15 years, the United Way and Indian River County citrus growers have been ...

News spotlight vero beach

Vero Beach rings in holiday season with Christmas Parade

VERO BEACH — A harbinger of the winter holiday season here in Vero Beach is the annual Christmas ...