News spotlight vero beach

Ford Tri-Motor plane visits Vero Beach

The Ford Tri-Motor plane sits at Vero Beach Airport waiting to take its first group of people up ...

News sebastian spotlight

Sebastian Council approves contracts for path at Four Chaplains

SEBASTIAN — Construction is well underway on the Four Chaplains Memorial next to the Veterans Memorial at Riverview Park ...

News public safety sebastian

Sebastian Crime Blotter: April 15

Felony arrests and booking reports: April 15 Jason Lawrence Puzacke, 34, of 456 Betty Ave., Sebastian; Arrest Location: ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: April 15

Felony arrests and booking reports: April 15 Jason Lawrence Puzacke, 34, of 456 Betty Ave., Sebastian; Arrest Location: ...

fellsmere News public safety

Taking advantage of great weather

Jesse Gomez, cleans fire engine 10, during the cool morning air at station 10 in Fellsmere. Staff photo: ...

indian river county News public safety

Indian River County Crime Blotter: April 14

Felony arrests and booking reports: April 14 Brandon James Boyer, 29, of 4501 8th Lane, Vero Beach; Arrest ...

News spotlight vero beach

USFWS Earth Day Open House

Neo King, 7, of Vero admires a snake. Photo: Amberly Timperio.

News spotlight vero beach

USFWS Earth Day Open House

Student Intern Shawn Christopherson helps Donovan Monahan, 2, and his sister Amelia, 4, handle a Brown Anole lizard. ...

News spotlight vero beach

USFWS Earth Day Open House cultivates awareness in young, old alike

VERO BEACH — There is no better way to celebrate Earth Day than by fostering environmental awareness and appreciation ...

indian river county News spotlight

McKee Garden overrun with fairies during annual festival

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Those who love folklore know that fairies prefer to reside in gardens, and anyone who ...

News spotlight vero beach

Pitcher Jim “Kitty” Kaat shares baseball memories at Salvation Army dinner

VERO BEACH — Famed Major League Baseball player and sportscaster Jim “Kitty” Kaat pitched his story to approximately 140 ...

News spotlight vero beach

Thousands brave iffy weather to participate in Vero’s Hibiscus Festival

VERO BEACH — Gray skies that threatened rain most of the day did little to dissuade thousands of people ...