32963 Features Arts

Coastal Wrap: Bluebird brings Sunrise Theatre Jazz, Blues & Soul

For Vero fans of blues, jazz and R&B music doing some soul searching as to why they haven’t ...

32963 Features Arts

Community Church’s music events will now be donation-only

The voices that soared in what many in Vero hoped would become a tradition of springtime requiem masses ...

32963 Features Arts

Homeless artist has impressive past

If Wil Harris ever gets discouraged, he can always watch his own TEDx talk on YouTube on how ...

32963 Features Arts

Vero collector to showcase antiquities in Palm Beach

It takes only seconds upon entering Elke Brockway’s spacious oceanfront home to understand why she lovingly refers to ...

32963 Features Arts

Havana Nights performer has dazzling show-biz past

Dodging raindrops on a recent Saturday night, a diminutive dark-haired woman hauled a black case out of her ...

32963 Features Arts

Coastal Wrap: Carl Hiaasen, Art Mundo and Vero’s Art Stroll

It could have been straight out of a Carl Hiaasen novel, only Hiaasen wasn’t making this up. Off ...

32963 Features Arts

Gretchen Green: Going to the dogs in a good way

Big, small, or medium-sized, the breed does not matter to artist Gretchen Green. She is as happy creating ...

Arts srn features

Artist’s gather for opening of Red Door Gallery

Artist Mary Segal has dreamed for years of having her own artists’ studio and gallery and, after months ...

32963 Features Arts

Jon Secada, Gloria’s friend, opens book tour in Vero

When Grammy-award winning Miami pop star Jon Secada comes to Vero, he typically shoots over the Wabasso Bridge ...

32963 Features Arts

Carol Bennett’s art: Just going with the feeling

You will either love the art of Carol Bennett or be turned off by it, says Barry Shapiro, ...

32963 Features Arts

Liming Tang: An art teacher who’s still learning herself

Fine art painter and former scenic designer Liming Tang is a modest person. “I'd love to show all ...

32963 Features Arts

Skydiver-pianist happy to land, settle in Sebastian

Concert pianist Rochelle Sallee takes no chances. If anything ever happens to her centennial edition Schimmel grand piano, ...