Author Archives


business and careers online features

Local Community Newspapers Go Digital

(NewsUSA) - Small, local newspapers have been valued community resources across the United States for approximately 200 years, ...

food recipes entertaining online features

Top 10 tips for hosting a winning big game bash

(BPT) - Gear up for the game day crowd — and those who are just there for the ...

espanol online features

Los voluntarios traen sonrisas más saludables a los niños necesitados

(BPT) - ¿Sabía usted que la mitad de los niños en este país entran al kínder con caries ...

health and wellness online features

Volunteers bring healthier smiles to kids in need

(BPT) - Did you know half of all children in this country enter kindergarten with tooth decay? Tooth ...

online features Real Estate

4 bathroom design trends that marry luxury, beauty and sensibility

(BPT) - When you’re ready to create the bathroom of your dreams, it’s no time to chase fads. ...

money and finance online features

Uncle Sam Wants You To Save For Retirement

(NAPSI)—If you ever feel your finances are too stretched to save for retirement, you're not alone—and there could ...

online features tech talk and innovation

Today’s Students Want To Read The Latest Textbooks

(NAPSI)—Here’s something parents, teachers, students and taxpayers may be glad to learn: An answer to education costs could ...

money and finance online features

Software Or Tax Pro: What The Difference Can Mean For You

(NAPSI)—According to the National Taxpayer Advocate, nearly 60 percent of taxpayers hire paid preparers to do their taxes. ...

automotive online features

Look Out For Liens

(NAPSI)—When buying a used car, it's important to look for problems that aren't readily apparent. You might think ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Proof of God’s existence? The presence of inner peace

Does God exist? In an age when everything is open to debate, and we grant ourselves license to ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonz says Rico’s found the Keys to happiness

Like with lots of us poocheroos, Rico Fraticelli and his forever Mom and Dad found each other cuz ...

online features senior living

5 simple steps to boost your immune system now

(BPT) - Whether it's battling the rampant germs of cold and flu season or maintaining wellness throughout the ...