Author Archives

Stephanie LaBaff


Orchid Outreach hails generous scholarship program

Members of the Orchid Island Golf & Beach Club lifted their glasses in a toast to 17 years ...


Expert unlocks ancient artistic secrets of Mah Jongg

Guests bonded over their love of an ancient Chinese game at a book talk and luncheon hosted by ...

Real Estate

‘Amazing architecture’ is hallmark of Estuary home

When Elaine Bresnee and John Flavin moved to Vero Beach, they were looking for a sanctuary by the ...


‘Love Your Lagoon’ honors Harbor Branch team effort

Love was in the air last Friday evening at the seventh annual Love Your Lagoon fundraiser to benefit ...


Camp Haven gala features inspirational testimonials

Camp Haven supporters were impressed by the success stories of program graduates at its annual Diamonds in the ...


‘5210 Let’s Go’ fills school kids with healthy habits

In 2015, in an effort to counter the growing number of overweight school-aged children, the Indian River County ...


Guitars star at Vero Museum’s ‘Rock of Ages’ gala

More than 330 party-goers “tripped the light fantastic” Jan. 26 at the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s 2018 ...


Tidal wave of creative talent at ‘Art by the Sea’

Art-lovers were afloat in a sea of talent during the 30th annual Art by the Sea exhibition and ...


And they’re arf! ‘Bark in Park’ unleashes the hounds

Riverside Park was alive with joyful yips, sniffs and tail-wags last Saturday at Bark in the Park, hosted ...


‘Seed to Sea’ supper promotes McKee Children’s Garden

McKee Botanical Garden benefactors dined at an inaugural Seed to Sea: Secret Supper last Sunday evening to benefit ...

All News

Beautifully renovated riverfront home between the bridges

The kitchen is the heart of every home; and when builder Joe Foglia and architect Hal Lambert teamed ...


Jaycee Beach restoration: Dig the new native plants!

At the Keep Indian River Beautiful Jaycee Beach Dune Restoration project last Saturday morning, more than 60 friends ...