Author Archives

Rev. Drs. Casey and Bob Baggott

On Faith

Widen your perspective to triumph in no-win situations

Maybe when you were a child you had this little scam pulled on you by an older sibling ...

On Faith

Let’s get busy: In this life, everybody’s got a job to do

We have a favorite old story that tells about the simmering conflict between the pastor of a church ...

On Faith

Too many of us are talking and too few are listening

The great Shema, perhaps the oldest daily prayer of Judaism, begins with the invitation to “hear.” The Rule ...

On Faith

In God we trust, because we know He will find us

Have you heard the saying: “There are no atheists in foxholes”? Apparently that assertion has been vigorously refuted ...

On Faith

Point to the future by connecting the dots of your life

We’ve always been intrigued by a story that comes to us from the Book of Exodus about Moses’ ...

On Faith

Fear not: God has the whole world in His hands

We don’t get to New York City very often. We always feel a little like country mice dazzled ...

On Faith

For 2018, maybe we all need an attitude adjustment

Sometime back in the 1980’s rhythm and blues singer, Patti LaBelle, recorded a hit single on MCA Records ...

On Faith

Rock on: Face life’s challenges with determination

An ancient story from the Desert Fathers of the early church tells of a time long ago and ...

On Faith

Christmas story inspires us to make our life stories better

Author Emil Brunner tells a story of 9-year-old Jenny, who had heard the Christmas story many times, but ...

On Faith

Winning isn’t as important as the worthy struggle

Winning can be a wonderfully exhilarating and validating experience.  Who doesn’t like to win, whether the win comes ...

On Faith

Just pretend: It’s worth imagining our lives in new ways

There are things that matter because they are tangible, solid, real and objective. And there are things that ...

On Faith

God With Us: Always cherish the reason for the season

This is the first week of Advent and Christians everywhere are beginning to make their preparations for the ...