Author Archives

Pam Harbaugh


Coming Up: Savor nature at Pelican Island Wildlife Fest

As American poet and humorist Dixon Lanier Merritt wrote: “A wonderful bird is the pelican/His bill will hold ...


Watercolorist Spino taps into his deep well of talent

You’ll swear you can smell the lime, feel the doughy thickness of the grapefruit rinds and drink the ...


Coming Up: Ballet Vero in step with composer Paul Gay

The musical works of local composer Paul Gay will be put to “the dance” this weekend when the ...


Coming Up: Still time to find yourself at ‘Lost in Yonkers’

Vero Beach has it all this week, from names right out of the headlines, to ballet and authors ...


Poignancy prevails in Riverside’s lovable ‘Lost in Yonkers’

With its remarkably intimate production of “Lost in Yonkers,” Riverside Theatre proves a straight play belongs on a ...


COMING UP: You’ll love these pre-Valentine’s cultural options

Valentine’s Day is still a week away, but you can start the romance early by taking in some ...


Riverside’s ‘39 Steps’: Whodunit delivers frenzied fun

Gags so gloriously over the top that groans are welcomed relief, brisk timing so tight it crunches under ...


COMING UP: ‘Finest Hours’ talk will be time well spent

Good heavens! There are just not enough days in the week to do even half of what’s coming ...


Music lovers have much to savor this week

Music lovers will feel like they’ve stepped into heaven this week. You’ve got quite the selection – from ...


Riverside’s ‘Modern Millie’: First-rate fun never gets old

Old troupes get jazzed up in Riverside Theatre’s snappy and vibrant production of “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” The entertaining ...


Cultural wave brings ‘Art by the Sea’ exhibit

From fascinating talks by Gen. John Kelley to exquisite dance, music and art, this is one of those ...


Symphonic Association’s scintillating season: It’s a ‘biggie’

Vero Beach, with an almost embarrassment of cultural riches, will be treated to yet another sumptuous season of ...