INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A mother is accused of using a vacuum and a fork as weapons against her child, according to authorities.
An Indian River County woman faces a felony child abuse charge after she hit her child on the head with a vacuum and impaled him in the hand with a fork, according to the arrest report.
Danielle Call, 37, of 2275 89th Court, Vero Beach, was arrested at her home on Monday after her child and his father reported the incident.
The victim’s father dropped the child off at Call’s home to get ready for school on Monday morning, according to the arrest report. Shortly after, Call called the father and demanded he come back to pick the child up.
The father witnessed Call push the victim out of the house and close the door, the report shows.
The victim reported his mother struck him in the head with a vacuum, threw an ashtray at him, and threw a metal fork at him that impaled him in the hand.
Authorities observed two lumps on the child’s head and small holes in the child’s hand and wrist from the fork.
Call is being held in the Indian River County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bond.