BONZ: A Yorkie who combines cute with attitude

Hi, Pet Buddies! You know how some of those little pooch breeds are just so CUTE, they make you feel like you’ve got a mouthful of marshmallows? Like Yorkies.

This week I yapped with a Yorkie whose Cuteness was balanced with Attitude. Perfect!!! Her name is Honeybell Wittstruck and she lives on the island with her humans, Mimi and Nat.

We set up our yap at the Dog Park and I was already sitting in the shady part of the Little Dog section when they spotted me. Honeybell’s humans came right over and Honeybell started to, but then a couple of collies raced by and woofed to her and she tore off across the field after them. Man, I wanted to take off, too, but I had to behave like the professional journalist I am.

Honeybell’s still pretty much a pup, just over 1, but she’s already made friends with, like, every dog in the Dog Park. She’s totally outgoing, friendly and fearless. After two or three laps around the big field, during which they were joined by a German shepherd and a Shihtzu-Poo, she skidded to a stop next to me.

“You’re Bonzo, right? Your job must be So Fun! My name’s Honeybell, because my Dad says I’m the sweetest and rarest of all, just like the citrus fruit! See?”

She did a little twirl and gave me a big grin. Not all dogs can really grin, but Yorkies nail it. I had to admit, she had it going on: her coat was freshly shampooed and shiny, mostly silvery gray, with some white and honey tones and, of course, the mandatory Totally-Cute-Yorkie-Face.

“Tell me about yourself.”

“I am a registered Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie’s a nickname). I have PAPERS, but mom and dad say no way am I going to be a show dog. I‘m a laid-back Florida girl. I went to Puppy Training at Paw Prints and learned lots of stuff, mostly pretty fun. I didn’t really like “Fetch,” though. I mean, if they want that ball so much, why do they keep throwing it away? It doesn’t make sense. Anyway, we’re still trying to work out WHEN I have to do stuff. I mean, I do stuff when I want to. They think I should do what they say every time, but I’m a free spirit: Sometimes I just don’t FEEL like sitting, or staying or shaking, you know?”

I hear ya!” I said, then felt like I should add, “but our humans pretty much know what’s best for us.”

“I know, Mr. Bonzo. It’s just really hard to stay still. Sometimes I see the door open and there’s the whole outdoors, right there, like, calling to me. So I dart out. I love to play chase so I keep running through neighbors’ yards and mom and dad chase me and holler. So fun! But then they’ll turn back so I have to chase them – all the way home.

“I don’t think they like that game as much as I do. That’s why we all love to come here. There’s a fence, so I run and they just sit there. We also go for nature walks – with a leash. And I chase bunnies. There’s tons of bunnies on Central Beach. I love the beach but not the ocean – or baths. Just thinking about baths gives me the shivers.”

“Do you have your own bed?”

“Yep. We have this comfy J-shaped couch. I sleep there, and mom and dad and me watch TV, and they rub my tummy. They get me stuffed toys, too, and I chew them to bits. But my favorite things to chew to bits are flip-flops. I love to surprise Mom and Dad when they see how many flip-flops I’ve chewed up.

“And I’m totally potty-trained!” Honeybell said proudly. “I always bark at the door when I have to go. They don’t like me to bark too much, but Dad says it’s worth a few barks to save the rug. Or when it’s dark at night and I hear something, I bark. Dad says I’m a very good verbal watch dog. I don’t yap just for no reason. I mean, I only woof when I have something to woof about, ya know?”

“For sure.” This little pooch was on the ball.

“I’m really lucky, Mr. Bonzo. Mom and Dad are pawsome and my besties are Uncle Hank, and Gramma and Grandpa Wolff. Gramma likes to put bandanas and ribbons on me. I don’t mind. I do look adorable. Plus, when we drove up to Carolina for Christmas, it was really cold and I was glad to have my winter jacket, even though it has polka dots on it. Nothing much bothers me, but, sometimes when other dogs aren’t nice, it’s confusing.

“And, one time, when we were in Savannah, Mom and Dad were getting baguettes at a bakery, and there was this huge animal. Gigantic. He was pulling a big thing with wheels and people in it. Mom said it was a horse. It scared the dog biscuits out of me at first, but then he said hello and asked me where I was from and put his head down for a friendly nose bump. Then the bakery lady gave me a treat so everything was okay.

“Oh, look, there’s Buster and Brodie – HEY, GUYS, WAIT UP!” And off she ran again!

Til Next Time.

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